Wednesday, March 11, 2015


There are no words to tell you how much I love my grandchildren and how much they mean to me.  I have nine and they are all special to me in their own ways and they are all very different.......I do pray they each remember me with good memories of the fun times we have had together , the vacations, the baby-sitting I have done for each.  I have shared their ball games, eagle scout honors, school achievements, disappointments, proms and graduations.....and so much more.  I have told them each I love them and followed the missionaries through their trials and tribulations, I have attended every high school and college graduation and one MBA graduation.  I have been to the three weddings and delighted in the birth of my first great-grand child.......I am so sorry for those who do not experienced the love of their grandchildren........or have selfish children who do not want to give up their material things and time to have and raise a baby!
  This is Scottie Cook......13 and my youngest.....I almost hate for him to grow up, graduate and go on a mission......he is so fun and such a go getter.  He is such a light in my life. Scottie never change........
My second granddaughter and I enjoyed her fabulous wedding in Minneapolis.   It has always been hard to keep up with this little gal......she never stops.  She got her MBA from Kelly Business School in Indiana and works for General Mills in Minnesota.  One person full of life and enjoying every minute with cute husband Bill and doggie .................

Oh I can hardly wait to see where this fire ball will take her grandma......I adore and admire and love Andrea Cook, my third granddaughter......she was a cheer-leader and so was I......she liked and had a lot of boy did I.  She is beautiful.....I was cute.  We just loved life and could hardly wait to see what the next day would bring......She loves me and I love her and that is just how it is.  I will not be around to see how it ends.....but we will always love each other.
 These are my fourth and fifth grandsons.......Brayden and Kennedy Christenson.......I did not have any boys and am a lucky grandma having six grandsons to love and spoil.  These two and I have shared a lot of memories of vacations and long talks.  Brayden plans an amusement park some day and I am all for it.....right now he is on a LDS mission in Washington state......Kennedy is in high school and loves sharks and dinosaurs and is planning to volunteer in the Dinosaur Museum in Vernal......he would be so good there.  I miss my missionary!!!!!!
My third grandson.....Richard Cook.....So handsome you can't stand it and a really neat guy......he has always been so good and helpful to help me with house work, yard work and just got home from a mission to Mexico.......... my favorite place and speaks fluent Spanish.  Can hardly wait to see what road he takes in life.
Looking back these are my first three grand-children.. Tiffany, Nicole and William......Tiffany just gave me my first great-grandson, Aaron........and works at the U of U.  William, the cute little guy is my first grand-son.  He graduated from the U of U and lives with girl friend Liz.  William works with Tiff's husband and loves golf.....oh yes, has a GREAT BIG DOG named Apsen.  I love these kids so much and still see and love them much.
This is number two grandson Alex Christenson.......who always had a wonderful smile and chrisma you would not believe....and I have never seen such a hard worker.....well his brother Brayden does give him a lot competition!.........but after a LDS Mission in Brazil he is married to a cute girl named Lindsay and they have a dog Douglas and working for the family business.  Oh, how I love this guy.

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