Friday, March 20, 2015

DEAR LORD...........

WHAT  CAN WE DO BUT PLACE OUR LIVES INTO THE HANDS OF THE LORD?......I hate to give him all my worries, troubles and cares because they seem to be many......but I also have faith he knows better than me what I need.  So many of my dear friends have health problems or their mates do and they are struggling to tend them....thank you for my health and the wonderful people who are there for me.  Coffee with old next door neighbor who is also my best therapist,,,,,,   then we ran out and looked at my new place.  Long talk with Barbara and Beverly about bridge.  I really am getting excited about moving into my new place,,,,,,,..,about two weeks from now.  Pam off to her play tonight and dinner so ROB  and I made Chinese food and he is watching  "MARCH MADNESS" basket ball.  Tried to get my  sister who I had hoped was home safely from her visit to GRANADA......but no answer.......maybe she decided to stay another week!........Is there such a thing as being tired of being old and hurting?,  I know it does happened to everyone.
Just look at some of our hero's........the SEVEN DWARFS.......even they are showing their age.

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