Tuesday, March 10, 2015


                                                      PRAYAS IF EVERYTHING DEPENDED ON GOD
                                              AND WORK AS IF EVERYTHING DEPENDED ON YOU,,,,,,,,

           There is an old story that illustrates this principle very well. It seems that two frogs were playing on the rafters of a dairy farm one night and they fell into adjoining pails of cream. Both frogs scrambled for survival, but one fought longer and harder and stayed the course.  When the farmer came in the next morning, he found one frog floating on the top of a pail of cream, dead:  and the other frog standing on a cake of butter......exhausted, but happy to be alive........
          MORAL:  When we let problems overwhelm us, when we stop jumping and hopping and scrambling for survival, we stop living.  But when we hang in there and fight the good fight we end up on a cake of butter.
         I agree with this but it is so easy for someone viewing your situation from afar to give you advice......with a....." just hang in there......this to will pass."    There will be times in the future I will turn myself into a little frog and just keep going.

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