Tuesday, March 24, 2015


                        What makes a mother's day more than seeing and being with her children?   Sherrie and Darren came in from Vernal today.......I hadn't seen Sherrie since 25th of January and then for an hour at church......so we spent a fun afternoon inspecting my new house, having lunch and shopping........I had her find something she wanted for her birthday which is In about three weeks.  I have really loved living with Pam and Rob the past four months.......the evenings Pam works.......... Rob and I go to a movie or out to eat somewhere.......tonight was Kentucky Fried Chicken night!  Seen Karrie and Rich quit a lot lately as they have been helping me with the loan and buying new house.  Feel like I am getting sick......the kids have had colds...............maybe  my turn.  So much to do to get ready for the big move this weekend.....can't get sick now........

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