Friday, March 6, 2015

50 Shades of Grey..........

I truly believe we are all in charge of our own happiness.......No one can make you unhappy unless you let them.....but believe me it is harder said than done.......I know, I lived with an expert who did it to me for 30 years........AND I LET HIM!   But moving on almost 29 years later I am in charge of me.  Had a busy day with coffee this morning with Patty and then off to the movie this afternoon with Shirley and Bonnie.  Last night Rob talked Pam and I into seeing "50 Shades of Grey" with him........not impressed or depressed......if people want to run around with no clothes on that is their concern not mine......I just hate to see any woman let a man use her body for his entertainment!  Yesterday went through my house it is really coming along.......been busying buying bath towels and rugs and a few things I am going to need. 

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