Thursday, March 26, 2015


Tomorrow we meet with the title company and I will sign the papers to make my new house mine......and the family plans to move me in Saturday........I can't even imagine how hectic it will be.  Robby took Pam and I to dinner tonight to celebrate.  I have loved staying here they have been so good to gigi and I......Rob and I have become real buddies, which isn't always true of a son-in-law and a mother-in-law.! It has been fun helping with their new grandchild a couple of mornings a week.  I am so happy we are only ten minutes apart.
Spent a fun afternoon with my crazy friends and we have lunch and play Mexican Train.  Trying to pack up everything and get it organized to move.  Sherrie and Darren coming in to help and Rob has rounded up some of the grandkids to help........It has been a wild ride these last five months but I am sure I will look back on it and say......"YOU DID IT!"

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