Monday, March 23, 2015


Well this Monday was an interesting day......Up early and met my tax man and got the bad news.......Then at one did the walk through on my new house and between Rich, Rob, Karrie and I found quite a few things to be fixed.  Then off to the loan company to sign the loan papers......thank goodness for an 8.37 rating putting me in the 98% of the highest ratings.....YES! I had no idea before all this what my credit rating was or even cared what it was.  We close on Friday and I guess they will start moving me in on the weekend.  I have had a lot of hills to climb since I first looked at lot #91 last October.......There are about 150 homes being built in the subdivision and the girls told me today they have 8 left to sell.i guess there will be a lot of people to make friends with.........
Really tired tonight and hope I sleep.  It was fun seeing Richie and Kar today.  This is a picture of my Gigi dog.

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