Tuesday, February 10, 2015


What can I say she always gets it right!  The weekend isn't always that hot either!!!!
I am trying, I really am but it seems that day after day is just the same.......I  usually end up not even knowing what day it is...... Maybe tomorrow they will finish up my house....MAYBE.....I keep hearing that!  The kids fired Darren's help from Vernal who was just costing us money and decided to do it themselves.   Karrie and Richie spent today calking cracks, Pam will go over tomorrow and repaint a lot of the things, and a man is coming to restretch the carpet.....they let me do very little!!!!  I can run pick up things they need. I say to all my friends......don't move.....EVER!  I called my cousin, Lucille and planned to unload and complain to her....but she started on her list of complaints and they were longer than mine and I guess I'll have to call her tomorrow and try and get my list listened to!.....she took up all the time......I reminded her of a sign I saw....."Remember, as far as anyone knows we have a perfectly normal family"......Yea like everyone else has!  HA

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