Tuesday, February 17, 2015


After reading this little saying......it really made me stop and think.....YES.....when someone smiles at me for no reason ......I always feel better.....so I decided to try it.  I went to the Mall to get my nails done and after wards stopped at the Panda Express for a Teriaki rice bowl.  I settled in the middle of the food court and pledge to smile at every single person who passed my table....well I didn't keep score but I would say 6 or 7  out of 10 people I smiled at smiled back......maybe not the parents but the children shyly smiled back.  Here I was thinking I was maybe making some one's day a little better.....when I finally realized how many people made my day better.  Try it next time you go shopping or out to eat.  Remember a smile doesn't cost anything .....and may change someone's day for the better.  A smile can't be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen.....my oldest daughter would not smile for a photo no matter how much we begged, bribed or threaten....she is better now.....be a person who generously give their smiles.....if it helps someone, good.....be assured it will help you!
Pretty quiet day.....did a few chores, knitting up a storm and enjoying spring in February......still haven't sold the condo!

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