Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Maybe I have discovered the reason I am a mess........I drink coffee every day......I eat many things that are fat.......I love sugar.......and I worry constantly!!!!......about everything that has not even happened yet......When will the house be on the market.....will we make enough to pay for my new house and Darren get his money back....will I ever gather all my stuff up again from the kids and storage.....and what kind of shape will it be in when we move it back into the new place.......Change your address for mail......notify the bank, stock broker, lawyer,  income tax man, doctors, dentist, eye doctor, dermatologist, etc........and let all your friends know you have a new phone number......so you can keep up with your social life.  Give me a few more minutes and I'll think of some other good things to worry about!!!!.......seems the hours between 2:00 am and 5:00 seem to be a time I do my best worrying.......through the day I am just stressed.
It is another beautiful day here high 50's......we have not had winter yet!..I know the ground-hog saw his shadow yesterday and we are in for another 6 weeks of winter.... BUT......we are still waiting for winter to get here........

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