Monday, February 2, 2015

OH NO............

Why do we need signs to help us be convinced of the things we should know?........I know I can do what I decide to do and I know my family loves me as they are proving it every day.....but I keep feeling it is my fault that their lives have all been disrupted because of me and I don't like it!.....even though it was their idea that I make a huge change in my life.....went by the house today to get my mail and Darren had four people from VERNAL working on my house.   Donna and Dannell ( his son's mother-in-law).......were there to clean the house and Dave and Juan putting in door etc.......hopefully done in a few days......I took over drinks and snacks......they won't let me do anything!!!!!!  It was a beautiful day 5;00 it was 55 degrees.  Long talk with Nadine Lyngle in St. George.....always fun to catch up with old friends.   Mailed bills.....paid condo fee.....and did chores all mornig

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