Friday, February 13, 2015


I have a buddy in the same boat........can't wake up and smell the roses........because there won't be any........but I was married 30 years and there never were flowers for anything so I got use too it!  However, I do have a couple of son-in-laws that surprise me now and then.......but this year......maybe not.  I did come home to a beautiful pink flowered plant from my room mates who are off to IDAHO for the 3 day holiday.  I am very happy to spend a nice quiet weekend alone.....will take in a couple of movies and maybe coffee with Patty.  I do hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's best memories of the day was trying to make a shoe box look like some great work of art when the girls were told to bring a decorated box to put their valentines in......and making out lists of who they were giving them to each year......oh yes, happy days.  And if they got one that said love on it from a boy.....oh wow!  Happy Valentines Days family........didn't send Valentines this year.......well one to my missionary!

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