Sunday, February 22, 2015


This little saying really seems to ring true in our lives.  I am trying to focus on what is important in my life in my old my family and health.  I have captured my good times in pictures, journals and stored away in my memory and I have had many good times in my life.  Some people never learn from the negatives in their lives......they marrying the same kind of losers several times.....they go through drug  rehab over and over or return to prison several times......Hope fully I learned from my bad decisions and only had my heart broken once, stayed away from drugs and booze etc......and yet some people jump back into marriage more than once and feel they need to take another shot at it.....gamblers and some investors believe in taking another shot at things. So I guess bottom line is get out that camera......or phone ......or IPAD and start recording your life.
Saw a great movie today "USA McFarland"......Shirley and I cried all the way through.....not sad tears but good tears.  Dinner at Izzy's......not good.  Going to watch the Oscars now!

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