Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This is a picture every child should have in their minds as they grow up.....A NICE OLD, ROUND GRAMMIE WHO MADE GOOD PIES for holiday dinners with all the family.  Yes, I remember my Grandma Goff looking almost like this and making wonderful bread, pies and cookies.  My mother......not so much......this grandma even less!  Of course, "in the olden days", they didn't have a COSTCO close by. We are all looking forward to Turkey Day!
At this time of year you tend to think back over the years and the many Thanksgivings that have come and gone in your lifetime.  As a child we always went up the street to Grandma's house and all mother's brothers and their families came to dinner.  My first year at college I went home to Hinckley Utah with one of my roommates, she had a cute brother.  When I worked in Denver and lived with my aunt and uncle my folks drove up for the weekend.  The first year I was married, we lived with Vadal, Don's father on I street and I was nominated to cook the turkey.  Well the sister-in-laws tried to help, but when we got ready to carve it we found the gibblets still in their paper bag still inside......took a long time to live that down!  Though my 30 years of marriage I never got to go home for Thanksgiving, the Petersons never  included Pam and I who were left alone the first 11 years while Don was off flying,......so someone else could be home with their families. We did have Thanksgiving with friends in Denver the year the twins turn one. Back in Salt Lake the next 12 years were the kids and I sometimes going out if we could find a place open.  After Pam got married she always went to St. George with Panniers. After the twins got married and I have been divorced I have had many fun days with one of their families.  This year I am off to Idaho with the Panniers.

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