Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The newspapers, the TV programs.....every day nothing but bad news.  I love this picture which is entitled "love one another", when we are young we do love one another and so why does it have to change through the years?  They all look different, but here they are just happy sharing each others company. Eventually the cat will eat the mouse.  The dog will grow up to chase the cat and the rabbit.
There are some good rules in life......Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.  How many of us look back and say if I had that to do again I would change it? We cannot dwell on what others think of us, in our younger years it seems very important, but as we grow older we know we can't make everyone happy, so why try.  I have found  you  need to stop thinking too much, you can' know all the answers, and those you need to know will come when you least expect.  NO ONE IS IN CHARGE OF YOUR HAPPINESS EXCEPT YOU!  So reach out and love your life and each other.  Today is the start of my Christmas Decorating so I can play the rest of the week.......

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