Monday, November 5, 2012


O.K. I changed my clock, now I am ready to change my PRESIDENT! So I was up at 6:30, but my body still thinks it was 7:30, it will take a few days to convince my head what the clock now says.  What will tomorrow bring to our country....counting down the hours till then.  The poor people back east are still cold, hungry and wondering where they can vote.....and the President is out telling everyone how wonderful he is.  He is not cold or hungry!
Good people that work hard deserve to be happy.  Joy isn't something you should have to wait for or wish for.  It  is something you can feel right now!  And all it takes is giving yourself permission to take a break, letting yourself relax---and opening your eyes and your heart.  Look for reasons to smile and you will find so many.  We have what it takes......sure things get in the way of our dreams sometimes.  But, we are tougher than any trouble, smarter than any setback and more determined than any difficulty. There is no challenge you can not meet and no problem you can not beat.  So what are we waiting for? Go for it! I am smiling I got an email from my Missionary in Brazil, he just moved and seems very happy with his life.  Also a great Sunday, my son-in-law fixed my computer and I went over and had a fun dinner and evening with the Cooks. Glad I voted early.

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