Sunday, November 4, 2012


I think we are all counting the hours now, not days when this election will be over, the adds are killing me......however, he could be talking about December 21st, 2012 and the end of the world! WHATEVER.
I say live your life fully while you're here. Experience everything.  Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun and be crazy, be weird, go out and screw up!  You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process.  Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes; Find the cause of your problem and eliminate it.  Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being Human!
Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.
Forgot to set my clocks back last night, but when you don't have a schedule it doesn't matter anyway.  At my age, rolling out of bed in the morning is easy......Getting up off the floor is another story!

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