Friday, November 2, 2012


At the end of the day, you're the only one who can tell yourself..."I CAN."                                      The chant out there today is four more days.....Can you imagine what is going through the Obama's minds .......and the Romney's minds.  Michelle, Oh no, no more fabulous trips around the  Obama's hair will be white for sure when he finds out the sad new...."HE IS NOT GOD", he just thought he was.  I will take my dull, quiet little life and not complain thank you.  It is still very sad news back east as those poor people try to bail out, clean up and put their lives together again....yep, Mr. President had his photo opt yesterday and now he is off campaigning today, and there are a lot of mad people!  It is a beautiful sunny day here, cool, but that is OK as it is November 2nd.  I am thankful today for a warm house, good health and enough to eat. My heart goes out  to so many less fortunate.

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