Saturday, November 3, 2012


"Luck exists in Leftovers".......Japanese proverb
I have a darling niece-in-law who has made this statement and shown many the way. I quote a wonderful piece she wrote that made me stop and think about my life.  I felt when I got married at 24, to what I thought was a nice man, had three beautiful daughters, lots of friends and a good life, it would be "forever", but if there is no "forever".....what is "forever" for? I was 54 and had been married 30 years when I suddenly found myself standing alone with all the leftovers of my life.   "Luck is where preparation meets can make your 'luck out of leftovers' your left with. With preparation the life you have lived, everything you have learned and know, the talents you have been blessed with, a lot of hard work and endurance, and opportunity and the unexpected life you have been handed you can create a happy ever after in your life.  I have created just that life the last 26 years, a warm comfortable home, children educated, raised, married and giving me the gift of 9 wonderful grandchildren.  I got a fun job as a Concierge, took many classes, learned Spanish, traveled completely around the world, volunteered some and have a loving, supportive family and many good friends. It would have been fun to have someone to grow old with as I had originally planned, but I have a life I never imagined for myself, one that I would not originally have chosen if given a chance and one I never saw coming, but thank you God and I have learned in my 80 years....."THING HAPPEN FOR A REASON.....JUST BELIEVE."

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