Monday, November 12, 2012


As I look at pictures this picture I took in my travels and I have many like it...... I was thinking about how many places I have been in this wonderful world......
It was a bit disappointing to figure out I have never been in "Cahoots".  They say you can not go alone.  You have to be in Cahoots with someone.  I have also never been "In-Cognito".  Now that sounds like a place I might really enjoy.  Seems no one recognizes you, which makes it real easy to do whatever you want without being bothered.  I almost hate to admit having been "In-Sane".  They do not have an airport so you have to "be driven there."  But it is an easy place to reach.  I have actually made several trips there thanks to my family, friends, neighbors and work.
There is one place that I really don't want to go.  That is to 'Conclusions."  They say you have to jump there and I am not much on physical activity anymore.
I have been "In-Doubt", however that is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.  I have also been 'In-Flexible", but only when it was very important to stand firm.  Unfortunately, I often think I am "In-Vincible", but life soon, shows me that I am not!  At times I have found myself 'In-Capable" and, though I don't like it, I seem to go there more often as I am getting older.
I do not mind mentioning that I am looking forward to being "In-Suspense" soon.  It is one of my favorite places.  It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart.  And at my age I need all the stimulation I can get.
Well, let me know if you want to meet in 'Cahoots" sometime.  Like they say, you cannot go it alone.All at once I realize I still have some traveling to do before I die????
Heard from my cute missionary today, he seems to be doing good and always tells me how much he misses me.  Spent the day cleaning house for bridge tomorrow!

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