Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I would love to live next door to Maxine......she expresses so nicely what a lot of us think, but try not to say.  She would keep you entertained royally!  She might have the answer here. She is old and that is OK.  Someone once said, "Aging begins at birth and continues relentlessly.  The only difference is that some stay at it longer than others.  So, be glad you are getting old; it is a privilege denied to many."
I am 80 and I admit it; I sometimes struggle to maintain a joyous outlook while experiencing the inevitable decline of an aging body..
Each morning I should have an "exercise in gratitude," beginning at the top of my head.  My hair is falling out but I still have enough to fake a decent hairdo.  I wear glasses, but they help me see and enjoy God's beautiful world, My hearing is bad in one ear, but if I don't want to hear what someone says I turn them my deaf side!!!
For everything that is wrong with me, a lot of me is working fine.  I have come to realize that the most significant affect on my "quality of life" is not my physical condition, but my attitude.
We are all aware of the declining physical powers that accompany the aging process.  But far more important is what happens within us as we age.  Will we grow bitter and hate the broken-down cages we live in?  Or will we be able to maintain a sense of humor and preserve an attitude of gratitude despite our failing physical capacities?  HUMOR AND GRATITUDE---theses are the things that will make a happy final chapter in our life stories.
Enjoy a few Senior Moments....Maxine says who needs to remember what happened 10 minutes ago?  Go to the Dollar Store and find a bottle of pills and if the labels says, "Relives dyspepsia, flatulence, hyperacidity, ulcer, cramps, nausea and indigestion", take one every day and find that covers many of your discomforts. My outside is getting old, but I refuse to let my inside think old.  Tonight I am having bridge and it is a good time to compare health notes with the girls.....I usually wouldn't trade places with any of them..........

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