Friday, November 16, 2012


"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world.  For indeed, that  is all who ever have." ....Margaret Mead
Spent the afternoon, having lunch with and "tending" my son-in-law who just had his rotary cuff operated on yesterday.  He just wanted to sleep!I wish him a speedy recovery.
This picture tells the story of a "Happily Ever After" life.  To bad it is just a picture and somewhere in there does not continue.  Happy childhood, get acquainted with boys, find the one that is special, getting married and grow old together, she dies, he mourns, together side by side again they end the story of Happily Ever After! A picture is worth a million words.......and that is how God meant it to be, but 2 out of 3 persons lives now days do not follow this. Mine did not....after my divorce I KNEW I could not quit and give up.  I had to carry on AND LIVE; not only for my three girls, 2 granddaughters and son-in-law but my family.  I had not been raised to lay down and feel sorry for myself,  I was all my family had left after their father walked out and I was determined to Live Happily Ever After......and I have!  It has been 26 years this month since the divorce and has been a great 26 years since "GREAT WHITE FATHER" took off, and we are all living Happily Ever After."
"He who is not every day conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life......"    Waldo Emerson

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