Sunday, November 18, 2012


With Christmas around the corner we are ever more aware of the help we need from above, but God is being pushed out of many areas of our lives.  NOT ME! Each day I sort through the beautiful clutter of life to find that ONE GOOD THING to write about on my blog.......Today it is my freedom......
Today I am free to drive out of my garage, in my own car.  I can turn left or I can turn right at Highland Drive.  I can go shopping, meet a friend, go to a movie or go anyplace I want to eat.  I am single, independent, have a little money, have many interests and friends and family and good neighbors close by.  I am healthy as most 80 year olds can be and still mentally alert???? Well, that is my opinion, maybe my family would disagree!
I do dread the time when this all comes to an end.  My freedom all these years have allowed me to learn, listen and see so much. Marriage, raising a family, traveling around the world, taking classes, learning to use the new devices and inventions that pop up every day have all become so much a part of me.  Who decides when this will end?. My family? A friend or neighbor? God?
This Sunday morning is a cold, cloudy and rather dreary day, but it is one of God's days and I thank him for it........

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