Monday, October 29, 2012


The symbol of the United States along with the flag and the eagle.....I feel the last four years slowly a big black Can I use that word?--- has been getting bigger and bigger over this building.  Since John Adams moved in Nov 1, 1800, the White House has been the residence of every sitting president except George Washington.  
It's occupants are subject to change every four years, the stately stone structure at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C., remains the permanent symbol of the U.S. presidency----and most famous home in America.  It was burned by the British during the war of 1812.The home's sq. footage is about 55,000 ft.  It features six levels, eight staircases, three elevators, 28 fireplaces, and 132 rooms, including 35 bathrooms. The fence includes 18 acres of land.  It has a tennis court, bowling alley, movie theater, beauty salon, a physician's office, a florist's shop and a swimming pool. I say, 'PUT THE WHITE BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE'!.....we have been patient and it didn't work out switching colors.  Nice man, lousy President. Took a nice ride up to Park City yesterday with the Panniers, visited Will at work and back to lunch at the Porcupine Restaurant.  Weather beautiful.
"Every day I beat my own record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive."

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