Sunday, October 14, 2012


Perfect picture.....suck it up cupcake....big bird knows whats best!  I am counting the days till the election.......hopefully the 'Black Jesus' days are numbered.....
I am also counting the days until Christmas and going over my list of gifts to buy.  Who needs what?  Grandkids getting bigger, only want expensive electronic devices (not in the budget). Girls and their families buy what they want. I found a few 'Priceless Gifts' list I am considering.
GIFT ONE; One of the best gifts you can give is a hand-written, personalized note or letter.  I know this true and I value letters from my parents written many years ago, they are yellowed and frayed but in their hand writing I read and reread them often.  Now days, parents call, text or email their children in college, living far way, they will never have letters to read when their folks are gone....and their folks will be gone someday!  Writing your love ones with words of love, encouragement or gratitude can be deeply moving when the recipient knows time and effort was taken to hand-write your thoughts and feeling for them.  A letter that is personally addressed and written may be kept for decades.  Complimentary words of gratitude, encouragement and appreciation are bound to be kept and cherished.  GIFT TWO:  Hand made or family heirlooms.  One year for Christmas I typed up all my mother's poems and had them bound into a book for siblings and nephews, and nieces.  They were all thrilled.  The year before my mother died, she made each of her five children a quilt.  I cherish mine.  I also did this for my three children....I hope they will love it for many years after I am gone. GIFT THREE;This one made me chuckle........give a baked memory.  In other words type up your favorite receipts and pass them on.  When someone makes them, the smells and tastes will bring back memories of you......well there is a bowl of cereal, a frozen dinner or a can of soup???I DON'T THINK SO!  Oh well, I will find something for everyone by Christmas.
Back to my own little bed tonight...sorry  Marley and Izzie not on my week with the Cook kids.

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