Friday, October 19, 2012


Oh my, my youngest grandchild is turning 11 today.  He is still my baby and 'my best friend.' Last night his family, the Christenson family and I went to the .....'Speghetti Factory' celebrate.  This has been our birthday celebration place since his mother was a little girl.   He has a full day planned to celebrate. Happy Birthday Scottie!
My other family, the Panniers are all traveling.....well not Will.  Pam went to Minnesota to visit Nicci.  Tiffany and Scott went to St. George to celebrate their anniversary and Rob headed out to Idaho to his new cabin at Island Park.  Rob is suffering from a torn rotary cuff ......not fun.
Nothing better than family.
Good thought:  'Today you are you, that is truer than true,
There is no one alive, who is you'er than you!"  Suess

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