Saturday, October 20, 2012


All I can say to this AMEN!  I guess Bush is tried of Obama  saying everything bad was Bush's fault.  We are all tired of hearing that.  Each President leaves his foot prints in the sand, good or bad or right or wrong......suck it up cup-cake and move on.
Everyone leaves their foot prints in the sand of life.......have you left any?  Have you or are you following someone Else's?
On the beach you can spy a set of big and little prints wandering in the sand.  Is it a father and child searching for shells....a grandparent and child watching the waves roll in?  Another set left by a jogger getting in his morning run. Each footprint is a personal story of someone, as each life has a story to tell.
Warm, soft, soothing.....who doesn't like to walk barefoot in the sand?  Soon the waves come sliding in to wash the sand clean, so the next person can have his or her time being center stage. "Where do all the foot prints go" asks the small child.  "God saves them all", you answer.
I have left my footprints in the sand many places all over the about you?
My sweet Cook family came over this morning and cleaned my house for me so I can have bridge next week.  Richie put my back yard to bed for the winter, patio furniture, covered the pond and drained it and unhooked the hose.  I will miss him next year when he is on a mission!

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