Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Oh joy, my turn to have bridge.....so last Saturday the Cook family came over and cleaned house.  Monday I went shopping for lunch and Tuesday I put together the casserole, jello salad and frozen desert, bought some rolls.  Had Gigi groomed and finished up cleaning the kitchen etc.  Why does it seem such a chore now days to entertain? In days gone by, with three small children, I could clean house, shop and get a meal ready for 6 or 8 people without a second thought.....getting old ain't fun! A week to get ready and a week to clean up afterwards.....glad it only comes once a year.  Maybe Maxine has the answer.
Yesterday I did something I never planned and still surprised at.  In the grocery story I saw 6 missionaries shopping.  Now with a missionary in the field and one due to go in January....I am more aware of all these cute boys from everywhere. They shopped, I shopped and we ended up in line at the same time.....me behind....something just kept telling me to step forward and offer to pay for their items.....so I marched right up to the check-out clerk and told her to put all their items on my bill, then I ask them if it was ok....they were as shocked as I was but said yes, and thanked me.  Wow talk about the little voices in your head and heart. I just hope someone will step out for my sweet missionaries.

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