Sunday, October 7, 2012


Conference in Salt Lake CIiy is always our town is full of people from all over the world. The big news was missionaries can now go on a mission at 18, girls 19.  That is so much better, that year between high school  graduation and the 19 birthday is such a waste, and many change their minds.
This being said, my daughter and husband took off to Lake Powell for the weekend and Brayden and Kennedy spent the weekend in Salt Lake with Gram. Brayden and I had some good visits while Kennedy watched Sponge Bob Square Pants.  We went shopping, had lunch at Costco and  went to see "Hotel Transylvania". They spent one night with their favorite cousins....the Cooks.
Bray called me when they got home so I know hey made it back to Vernal safely.  The boys brought Lilly Lou.....the big dog and  Sherrie  took Macy with them.......thank goodness.   It is their water skiing dog!  Love this family picture, Bray getting Eagle Scout Certificate and Ken is due to get his by Christmas.  Alex has his and is on a mission in Brazil.  I am proud of my grandchildren.

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