Friday, October 19, 2012


ONE LITTLE SUITCASE!!!! I can't even spend the weekend at the cabin with ONE little suitcase, and you want me to take a 10 day trip with ONE little suitcase?
Suitcases come in many sizes, shapes and colors.  I have many....and use to spend almost more time traveling as living in my home.  Well, not really, but I was off on a couple of big trips, and several short ones every year.  My theme song was 'On The Road Again'......and as soon as I got home from one trip I started counting the days until the next one.  I made sure I had a deposit on something fun so I never had long of wait, and something fun to look forward to.
Just the sight of a suitcase says to me adventure. I will never get too old or bored or disinterested in life for a good adventure.  After many years of travel around the world......and I have been around he world, with over 100 countries, 6 of the 7 continents and 48 of the 50 states under my belt, my suitcases have seen a lot of miles. Even to mull over a handful of travel brochures can give me a high no drink or pill can duplicate.  At 21 I started packing a suitcase as a "Stewardess", and extinct animal today.......79 years later I still get that excited feeling when I pull out a suitcase and start putting all the "essentials" in it!  Of course, as the years have passed I have learned better packing habits....not as many "essentials", only what "I" can carry also dictates the size and shape. AND Airlines have changed, ONE suitcase not more than 50 pounds.......
I decided long ago I am part Gypsies and when the North Wind blows, I just have to pack and go somewhere....I guess as long as I have tomorrow and that trusty 'ole suitcase, you will see me thumbing through brochures, travel magazines and saving my pennies for the next ticket somewhere......anywhere!

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