Monday, October 22, 2012


     From the time I was a small child I enjoyed looking at the colorful stamps that just appeared in the mail box every day on the little white envelopes that came from everywhere with messages about everything.  Up in the right hand corner of every letter delivered was a stamp, back when I was young stamps cost 3 cents, at 80, they cost 48 cents.......but now days that costs too much for many people so they just email, text or phone when they want to talk to someone or pay a bill.  Some day there may be no stamps, no mail no anticipation of the message inside, the wonder of how may miles has that little envelope traveled and how did it more pony express as started the whole mail system.  Now it is loaded on an airplane, a ship maybe by car or train.  Oh, is there a letter today for me?  If so, is it good news , happy news, funny news or sad news about a loved one. News of far away places, of extended families, new babies, weddings , funerals may come in those small square envelopes with it's stamp in the corner and the address with the instructions of whom is to receive it.  Oh the joy when they include a picture of some one you know, maybe a newspaper clipping or article of news.  A message of love is always welcome.  Forever that magic little stamp will be our friend.  It can take the message of the sender....where no other means of communication can penetrate.  I treasure my letters from family and friends.  Some have been read and reread many times, always with the same love and excitement as the day I  received them.  How sad many people don't have or never will have a treasured letter from your first love, one or both parents that are now gone as they tell you they love you and are very proud of you.  My wish is that everyone would sit down and in your own hand writing tell a child how wonderful you think they they can read it and reread it long after you are gone.  Tonight is the last debate......two weeks till we ulcer is getting worse.                                                                                                    

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