Monday, October 8, 2012


Why is it so easy to think negative instead of try and find the positives in our lives. We have to work on approaching a change from a negative point of view to a positive one.  This is not easy, but when all is said and done I see God knew all the time what he was doing.  I guess the best approach is just stay open and know God is in control.  If you can and will approach that change the winds that you thought were against you will actually push you to your divine destiny.
I knew my "X" was keeping me from being my best.  But, that vow I made "for better or for worse" kept getting in the way.  But now I see God knew best and lead him out of our marriage and forced me to move forward on my own.  He knew what was best and wanted me to reach my full potential.  God knows if he didn't close a door that I would never have the incentive to move ahead.  After 30 years things would never change and I would have even less self-confidence and self-esteem. God had something better in store for me, what I really deserved and was sent here for.  So don't fight change-----embrace it and see what God has in store!  I have finally become the best me and a better mother, friend, grammie.
I'm not sure about that word "OR".....It indicates you have to make a decision.

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