Sunday, October 21, 2012


 How do you choose which picture to hang.  God has so many gorgeous scenes to pick from in the Fall it boggles your mind.  A few years ago Leslie, Mertle (our GPS) and I took a wonderful trip back east in October. We flew in to Providence, RI and ended up in MD. A fun two weeks of fun wandering (and I do mean wandering).....Mertle wasn't always sure where we needed to be. Fun places like Hershey PA, Intercourse,PA and Salem.  There was so much to see as we wandered through Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, Delaware and Maryland. We lucked out in the weather department.  We have many beautiful pictures as memories.
Off to a movie and lunch with a friend, then back to getting things ready for a bridge luncheon at my house, then voting in two weeks.......and Halloween!It has been a busy month.

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