Thursday, October 18, 2012


Ahh Fall.......everywhere you turn now, you see God has been busy with his paint brush.  The days are still pretty and the nights cool.  I need to get my back yard put to bed for winter.
I love the following story about life;
The Professor filled  a jar with golf balls and ask his students if it was full.....the answer was "Yes."
Then he poured in small pebbles, they fell through the cracks......asked if the jar was full.....the answer was "Yes".
Then he poured sand in and it sifted down into the jar...."Is it full now?" he asked, they answered "Yes".
Then he pulled out a bottle of wine and poured it in and the sand soaked it up.....answer was yes it is full.
The jar represents your life.  The professor explained, the golf balls represent the important things in your life.....your family, friends, children, health.  If everything else was lost and you had the golf balls, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are things like jobs, house, car, holidays.  The sand is everything else, all small stuff.  If you had put sand in first, there would be no room for pebbles and golf balls.  If you spend all your time in the sand, there would be no time for the family, children etc.  So set your priorities and take care of golf balls first, all the rest is sand.
And ask about the wine......I was showing you no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a glass of wine with a friend!
To all this I say AMEN................

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