Thursday, October 11, 2012


In all my 80 years I have ever seen grown men act like they are acting this presidential political campaign season.  We vote in less than a month......then what will I blog about?  I guess "old age" as that is what I know most about.
Baby sitting the Cooks all week, having a lot of fun.
I don't know how Big Bird got involved in the fight.....I guess someone just doesn't have a platform to run on???? All you hear from Obama's speeches, is "I".  He views his election as a blank check to power. Looking forward to the big V-P debate tonight....Bidden and Ryan. I love the following piece from the paper.  ''The President has been totally corrupted by power. His already excessive self-regard has grown out of control thanks to an entourage of yes men, a fawning press and the the presidential bubble.   He actually believes in the messianic cult of the "Black Jesus" that surrounds him and has a Nobel Prize to authenticate his personal exceptionalism".  The result is that Obama is no longer capable of dealing with ordinary disagreement and difference,  Honest disagreements are beneath he calls Romney a liar and drags poor Big Bird into it.  It is the business of a King clinging to power....He thinks "It's good to be King."

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