Saturday, March 31, 2012


Tomorrow is April Fools Day........children love it!  To me April is much is the month I was born, that I had twins and have a grandson with a birthday two days after mine.  When I was 14 my mother had my little brother after three little sisters......big day in our family.  My favorite cousin was born 9 day after me and my two favorite sister-in-laws had April birthdays.  It was the month I got married 56 years ago......on the 28th.  Yes, April has always been one of my favorite months.  I took my three girls on a cruise last month to celebrate my 80th birthday and they gave me a fun new computer for my birthday so I hope to just slide through it when it arrives in April.
I recently read that for those in their golden years, age should only be unbearable if it means the cessation of growth. Most will agree that aging with grace involves choosing to live enthusiastically rather than to give in to boredom, worry and stiff joints.  You can celebrate life by looking on each day as a gift and then doing something constructive with it!  Good bye to March.......

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