Thursday, March 22, 2012


Is he cute or what???? My Richie is 18, a senior in high school, a super LaCross player and off to the Philippines today for a two week volunteer program with YMAD (youth make a difference) group.  I am so proud of him and yes worried with him going so far, but it will be such a great growing experience.  Good Luck Rich,
And tonight is the opening of the movie" Hunger Games".  The Brighten High Cheer leaders were selling tickets for the opening night so I lucked out. 
The past two weeks have been non-productive.  I was sick last week, had Ken for four days while he was sick and yesterday my coffee buddies came at 10:30 and left at 4:00.  Zero things done, so today is going to be catch up day as I have to finish up my income tax by Monday and have bridge at my house Tuesday........
"Families are the compass that guides us, the inspiration to reach great heights, our comfort when we falter."  I greet each day with the thought "the nicest thing about the future is......that it always starts tomorrow.  In the future I will lose weight, clean house, call a good friend, finish that pile of magazines that has been piling up etc. etc.
One last thought; You create the results in life, you believe you deserve?  Is that why I am still single?

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