Saturday, March 24, 2012


The Cook group came over (Minis Richie who is in the Philippines this week), but reinforced by Scottie's friend Carson to clean my house so I can have bridge on Tuesday.....A gift like this to someone who is old is worth more than all the gold in the world. They vacuumed, dusted, cleaned floors and bathroom.  Did the back windows and got down the cobwebs.....not that they bother my bridge club girls too much....but make me feel better.  They brought up the bridge tables and chairs and put the table leaf in, things that are such an effort now days.  Thank Goodness bridge only rolls around twice a year!  Their love is so appreciated.  Got my nails done and finished up some odds and ends......I am ready.  Mike called me this morning, I have always loved Mike alot.  He is having some health problems and busy trying to keep harmony with his new blended family.  I love his new wife who has gone beyond what a step mother should have to endure with step children.  She is one of the greatest people I know.  I realized early on that I could never be a good step-mother......reason I remained single after my divorce.  I have never regretted it. 
MERTLE SAYS;  The secret of abundance is to stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you are and all that you do have......

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