Saturday, March 17, 2012


Don't you wish for the days when you bought one purse for spring and summer and another for fall and winter?  Now days seems everyone suffers from multiple "purse-onalitys".  We have to have a different purse to go with every outfit in our closet.  As a modern grandma on the go, I'd prefer buying one good basic black purse and using it until the straps fell off, but no I'm hooked on one of every color and size on the market.  For to many years I carried a big purse, a very big purse so crammed full of my treasures I ruined my lower back, developed tennis elbow, perpetual stiff neck and might need a new rotatory cuff, hoisting the sucker over my shoulder.  I just stuck in cosmetics , toiletries and medications, a book to read,snacks .For so many years it wasn't just your stuff, but the family added their things.  Eye drops, ear drops, gum drops, nasal spray, hair spray, and pepper spray, a first-aid kit, a sewing kit and a tool kit. I am now trying to down size to a smaller purse, I am not gone from home any length of time, I do not have the energy to carry such a load any more and I am don't change my purse with every outfit anymore.  Oh yes, I still have all those wonderful purses,....just in case.....but I am changing my ways slowly.  I am enjoying Brayden and Kennedy for the weekend and had Scottie last night.  The cousins miss each other.  Feeling much better. Last week was a lost week, I hate being sick. Suppose to be a big storm coming in tonight, worry about the boys driving home tomorrow.

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