Friday, March 9, 2012


Be a girl with a mind.....
A woman with an attitude and
A lady with class.....  This is what I am working for.
Every choice you make, including the thoughts you think---has consequences.  When you choose the behavior or thought you choose the consequence.
There is no reality---only perception!  You know and experience this world only through the perception that you create.   You exercise this power of choice in every circumstance every day of your matter what the situation, you choose your reaction, assigning meaning and value to an event.
We view the world through individual filters.  If you view your world through a filter created by past events then you are allowing your past to control and dictate both your present and your future. Filters made up of fixed beliefs, negative ides that have become entrenched in your thinking.  We teach people how to treat us. Some thing to consider.
Today was lunch with Karrie and school bored!  Off to a favorite spot of the kids "IHOP"....The pancakes with the funny face on was hot chocolate with Mac and Cheese.

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