Sunday, March 25, 2012


"Your own expectations are the key to the whole business of mental health.If you expect to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled in life, then that is where you will place your attention, and that is what you will manifest."
I have been thinking how lucky I am to be living in the time of all this modern technology.....I can carry my cell phone around with me and enjoy a call from the family in Walmart, Smirhs, the Dentist's office, at the Macey's sale.   I don't have to stay home being afraid I will miss their call.  They can text me and not even bother talking to me, which seems the habit of some family members.....that's OK, at least they think of me now and then.  Then, I am on Face Book where I follow the doings of my grandchildren and my many nieces and nephews and their children.  I thrill at their achievements and happy moments and very sad when I see someone so angry he is saying 'F...K the Mormons'....Which is not good!  I worry about this child! I can only watch at a distance....with no comment, but wonder what his sister.... feels about it?  Then I can keep up with some of my nieces with e-mails when neither of us would probably sit down and take time to write each other.  One of my favorite things is following the blogs of some family members which give me more personal information about the fun things in their lives.  One of my favorite ones is my sweet granddaughter who lived with me five and a half years, I'm lucky if I see her every few months now days, but I love hearing how her life (and health) are going. Another one is my nephews wife as they work together trying to get a blended family of 8 kids all under control.....she is my hero.   Everyone but me is smart enough to add pictures, maybe someday.  Did hear from my sister today and that always makes me happy to catch up with each other's lives.  I have so much to be thankful for.

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