Monday, March 19, 2012


I guess the up-side of slowing down there is always something left to do.  I use to have a schedule and finish everything I started, but now days I figure if I get one or two chores done every day then that isn't a wasted day.  Sunday and Monday have been a zero done day, but have a good excuse.  Kennedys cold got worse Saturday and by Sunday I took him into instant care and found our he had strep throat.  Sherrie is still out of town so I kept Ken and Brayden braved the snow storm to get home for school. My cold is still hanging on so Ken anf I have been catching up on our movies and having a gay old time hanging out.  Kar came by today with treats which helped our moods.  Today is the first day of Spring, but you wouldn't know it weather wise.  Trying to get around to calling people for bridge next week, always glad when I get my turn over.......and my income tax is still spread all over the dinning room table.Oh well, tomorrow!

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