Thursday, March 29, 2012


Party, party this social life is great but tiring!  Bridge and luncheon again today, and what was the topic of the can guess when a group of senior citizens get together.  You get a lot of confessions like......yes, I am the life of the party even if lasts until 8:00!  I am very good at opening child proof caps-----with a hammer.  I'm awake many hours before my body allows me to get up.  I smile all the time because I can't hear a thing they are saying.  I'm sure everything I can't find is in a safe, secure place-----somewhere.  I'm wrinkled, saggy, lumpy and that's just my left leg.......But, I'm having the time of my life. It's like we don't keep secrets any more........Bettie Barlow had the best lunch.....Wonderful soup, salad and pie.  The pie was one I saw in Pinterest where you boil a can of sweetened condensed milk (in the can) until it turns to Carmel, then pour it in a crust with whip cream.  I will be trying that soon!  Bev Taft called and said John has cancer and TB., poor Toby.  At our age everyday you hear bad new like that about your friends.  Richie who is in the Philippines finally blogged us today, he seems to be loving it.  Alex came by this morning and we had a good visit, It has been a good day.  

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