Tuesday, March 13, 2012


"Wabi-Sabi'......Is a way of seeing the world that finds beauty and Harmony in what is simple, imperfect, natural, modest and mysterious. I guess that has been a part of me for many years, even though I didn't know it's name.  That explains why I love drift wood, rocks and trees that look like they have lost their way in growing straight and tall.  Modern art that gives no rhyme or reason and funky clothes.
I try to think of life as a good book.  The further you get into it the more it begins to make sense.Speaking of books I am on the home stretch on the last book of Suzanne Collins the 'Hunger Games' series. I can't believe how much I have read in the past two weeks. Yesterday Sherrie and Alex came to town for the last shots Alex will need for his mission next month.  Met Karrie at Zuppas for lunch.

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