Monday, August 30, 2010


"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."
How can leaving tiny post-it notes change your life.......and maybe others?
Caitlin Boyle said "I realized what we write on a note for others is really the message we need to hear ourselves."
I am so excited that I can maybe make a person or two smile or feel better with just a "tiny note". My goal is to leave notes wherever I am each day. Two of my favorite words "Synchronicity" and "Serendipity" will be connected with these tiny notes. I will never know their true effects, but I have faith they will now and then reach the people who need a lift or a smile. I thought long about the name I gave to my new little escapade, "Tiny Notes". A colorful post-it, in a bright color with a small bird stamped on it......signifying it just flew itself into the spot it was needed that day! I ask God each day, in these hard and stressful times, help me make even one person's load a little lighter.
"Serendipity" is the act of finding something valuable or delightful when you are not looking for it or expecting it, ......something good by accident.
"Synchronicity"- what is it? Synchronicity is the process whereby our energy flows easily and beautifully and attracts to us all the ideal people and events that provide the perfect opportunity for growth. Things, people and circumstances come into our path for a reason. Synchronicity is the outward manifestation of our thoughts brought to us by our souls, linking and connecting us with others... With events that serve as meaningful opportunities that we have attracted into our experiences to assist us in gaining clarity or evolving in some way. It represents the invisible, underlying spiritual working of the universe. These two words and their meanings appear as two seemingly disconnected events that are actually beautifully interconnected in a divine way. Syn events are often associated with periods of transformation; for example births, deaths, falling love, divorce, intense creative works or even a change of career/profession.
This I believe....."Things Happen For A Reason...Just Believe."

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