Monday, August 2, 2010

I'm Back

I bet you thought I had gone on vacation. You could see me lounging on some exotic beach, with palm trees, trade winds messaging my whole body with a tall cool drink in my hand!
Sorry Cupcake........My Quest modem died and I switched to Comcast which took a whole week or 5 working days if I wanted to keep my old number I have had for years. Of course I did-----how else wold my kids and friends find me? It was over the 24th of July Holiday and everyone I knew had left town to celebrate, but the dogs and I stayed home to hold down the fort. I could have really enjoyed my computer for the long weekend, but I found out bad things do happen to good people........?!?
Sherrie and Brayden had left for Kenya Thursday morning. Delta cancelled their trip which was the first leg to Boston about an hour before departure time. There were 20 in the Koins for Kenya group and there were put on other flights out of Salt Lake City. So my family were scattered for the weekend. Cooks in Bear Lake, Panniers in Schofield and part of the Christensons in Kenya, Darren and two boys in Vernal. Thank goodness for friends. Shirley came over Saturday and we swam, on Sunday we went to a movie and dinner. Anyway I am so excited to have my blog and face book and email back!!!!! Now to catch up on the last 10 days.

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