Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My THree Granddaughters

I have three beautiful granddaughters! It is a grandmother's privilege to brag about her grandchildren, sooooo. Tiffany is my oldest granddaughter. She was a beautiful swimmer and got a scholarship to Lawrence University in Appleton, WI. Four years later she came back to Salt Lake with a degree in Geology. Tiff went to work at University of Utah in the Engineering department and has excelled, getting several awards and moving up. She started helping as an alumni advisor with her sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma on campus and just keeps moving up the ladder there. She just accepted a position as Providence Director of Chapters over three states. She will be a wonderful leader and example for many young girls. She has even met a wonderful guy, is engaged and planning an October wedding. She has her plate full in the direction she wants to move, with a partner. Now there is hope I might be a great-grandmother some day!
Nicci is my second granddaughter. Nicci has her whole life in front of her and is running full bore into it, not backing away for a minute. Nicci's attitude is bring it on, more, faster, better, how much, how soon. Bring it on and I'll handle it and be the best of the best at it. Nicci loves adventure and travel. She was a great little dancer, but knew there was more in life. After four years of college at Arizona State, then a two year stint with her sorority as an advisor, then on to Indiana University to graduate school. She has completed one year and has made us all proud. She never stopped trying for interviews with big companies that could challenge her and help her grow. She preferred Proctor and Gamble, but ended up with an internship this summer with Nestle, turning down Hershey because of no International offices. She is back in IU with an offer for a job when she graduates next spring with a mere $90,000.00 starting fee and an offer for any department she wants......and will turn 25 next month. Will this make her happy? I don't think she will be happy until she is running one of these companies!!!! (Nestle knew she has a boyfriend that just went with P & G, they acknowledged this and said they could probably find a place for Bill, if Nicci would sign on!) Nicci has worked hard, and has earned this. What's more she has some of her grandmother's genes.......not the smart ones, just the Gypsies ones.
Andrea is my third granddaughter, she just turned 15. She is tall, beautiful, smart and sassy! She just passed her drivers test, was in a golf tournament, is a good swimmer and loves dance. Andrea has a great potential for a wonderful life, she knows what she wants. These girls make me a very proud Grandmother...............

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