Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Write It Down

"A story can travel without you and inspire many." "Every word a woman writes changes the story of the world, revises the official version."
The way I look at it, every woman is a Journey of her own life. Some one once said "in our journals we are in search of the real self, of what really move us, what we really think, what we really feel." My journal is the witness I have lived. It is an unconditional friend that I can complain to, cry to, brag to, show anger, or tell my secrets and it never tells anyone.
When I talk to my Journal I can have a conversation about private things and it gives me a chance to work out my problems. I think of the many stories I have heard that have inspired me----to be me. Stories told or read help people find their own meaning in their life..I have stories to tell someone of my wonderful life.....I tell someone of my wonderful days growing up in a small Colorado town, or going through a miserable divorce after 30 years of marriage or the challenges of raising twins or about my many travels around the world and people say, "I can relate to that" and many of their stories I assure them "I can relate to that."
If others stories can teach me, up lift me, remind me, give me permission, reassure me, inspire me, give me strength or allow humor......then why can't my stories do that for others? I love, love, love to write and am into blogging. I have my blogs printed into books for my family to share some day in review of my life. This is just my journal in print.
I am excited about my friends in China who read my blog and leave me comments. I have finally figured out how to translate them then I don't have to just imagine what they are saying.
So yes Betty.....people do read your blog. So I will tell more stories , it's my therapy, and maybe, just maybe the stories will touch another. You cannot know the effect your story might have, but you can hope someone is helped. inspired, reassured.
Karrie ventured out today, I took her to register Scottie in the 3rd grade, to the bank and store.
I think she is feeling better. She can drive again in one more week.

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