Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to Pam

My first child had a birthday Wednesday......Every year older she is makes me a year older also,that is o.k. Sherrie drove in from Vernal to go to lunch with Pam, Karrie, Tiffany, Andrea and I,so it was fun having all the girls and two of my three granddaughters for lunch. Karrie let us go to the Willow Creek Country Club on her membership. Sherrie drove to Salt Lake Tuesday night and we had fun shopping and she and Karrie and I planning Tiffany's bridal shower for September 18th.

Sherrie had to get back to Vernal by five for a meeting so by three we finished our celebration for another year. At three forty-five Karrie, Scott, Andrea and I were on our way to Vernal to pick up Alex's old truck for Rich to buy,a very spur of the moment trip and my only "out of town vacation" for a year and a! The next morning took the truck in to register it and the kids rode horses. All went to lunch and jumped in the cars and headed back to Salt Lake to get Scott weighted in and signed up for foot ball........a must as his father is head coach this year. What a fast and hectic trip and poor Sherrie didn't even know we were coming until she was almost home. We were about an hour behind her. Darren and her boys are on a river trip so didn't upset the household routine too much. Our four August birthdays are now gone and school is just around the corner.......and Fall.

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