Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Day

"Hakuna Matata".......There are no worries! Yesterday was Andrea's 15th birthday and the family did the traditional Spaghetti Factory dinner. It has become a tradition since Andrea's mother was a little girl. My whole family love it. I find birthday and Spaghetti Factory are synonymous. The little ones go for Mac and Cheese. THEN, the family and I had tickets to see The LION KING, oh wow, did I enjoy it. I have always loved the music, then put the wonderful story of a father's love for a son into it, with the fabulous costumes, lighting and staging was unreal. There really are some talented, creative people in our world, which give us all a lot of pleasure.

On Saturday I went to Tiffany's first wedding shower. Scott's family hosted it and it was fun to meet his side of the family. They had tons of good food.........and I'm on a diet! She (they) got a lot of nice gifts to start their new life off together. Of course, being the practical person I am, I gave her a pink tool kit.....I knew she wouldn't get too many of those.
Friday Sherrie and her family came to town and we had a swimming pizza birthday lunch for Andrea and Brayden, born one day apart. Brayden is celebrating his birthday today on a river trip with his Dad's family. And my mother would have been 98 today.............Happy birthday Mom. I have so much to be grateful for with my wonderful, fun family and my parents and siblings. I will be singing Hakuna Matata all day.............cute Simba.

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